QSP/Ashdon Farms Sales Info

all sales orders are due back to Cora on Wed., Oct. 19th (the Masquerade Ball meeting)...please feel free to return orders prior to Oct. 19th if you are done selling...the orders need to be entered online by Cora on Thurs., Oct. 20th, so please help the troop get their orders in on time (Council is not accepting any late orders)

all checks should be made out to "GSME"

online orders are a convenient way to avoid filling out the order forms and handling money...girls must print off a copy of their online orders

the link to the Council website for general info about QSP/Ashdon Farms Sales:

click on the "QSP online program" logo (located about half-way down on the right side) to access the online info...you will need to "register" the first time, and then "login" the rest of the times you want to access this online info
  • this is where you complete "Step 3" of the process (sending emails)
  • this is where you may place the orders for your family online
For online sales, you must send an email to the potential customer in order for them to order online. So as you sell this year, mention that you can do online sales and if they are interested in ordering online, get their email address so that you can email the link to them.

Also, new this year, is an option to take orders for sending canned nuts to the military.

if you have any questions or comments, please contact Cora